Monday, June 22, 2015

I'm NOT Wearing That!

An important lesson for us to learn in this thing called life is not wearing what is not ours. Sure we all like to wear clothes, hats, shoes and accessories that are flattering to us and impressive to others. We wear these items by choice. We have free will to wear what we desire to wear unforced by others. But there are times when we are forced by others to wear ideas, thoughts, suggestions and titles that simply do not belong to us. Growing up Momma used to say, "Just because someone says something about you doesn't make it so."
So they have called you every name under the sun and given you titles that they feel are a reflection of who you are or who they think you should be or titles which are purposely given to hurt you. You do NOT have to accept, believe, digest and/or wear those titles. And if you began to wear those titles or have been wearing those opinions for some time it is time for you to begin peeling back the layers of what was placed upon you and release what you ingested. In order for your happiness, purpose destiny and greatness to soar.... You have to release it all and eliminate it from who you are. This is your life and it must be done as only you can. You are worth it!

~Dr. NYC

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