Friday, February 26, 2010

How do you measure YOUR value?

When asking this question to a group of people, some may respond by saying that their value is defined by their home(s), education, car(s), business(es), popularity, salary, bank account or amount of progress they've made in their life. I must beg to differ with all of those responses. Although all of those responses are a great way to gage the amount of progress one has made in their life, it does not tell a person's value. In order to find YOUR TRUE VALUE, you must look within yourself.

When you look within, what is it that you see? Do you see a strong, intellectual, motivated, driven, God-fearing person who loves themselves and other people? Do you see a person who is NOT willing to accept defeat or failure? Do you see an individual who has and is beating the odds despite what people have said about you? Do you see a soul that is hungry and destined for greatness? Do you see a person that is allowing the pain of their past to work for them instead of against them? Do you see a person who is VALUABLE?

You TRUE VALUE is NOT Tangible! It's within you and is shown through your words, actions displayed but more so how YOU feel about YOURSELF! No amount of things, notoriety, money or influence can/should be used to measure your TRUE VALUE! Why? BECAUSE YOUR TRUE VALUE IS PRICELESS!